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Yoga Session


The therapeutic power of yoga to build strength and flexibility in our mind and body has long been researched and published in the scientific literature. The postures or asanas of yoga support us physically, while the breathing and meditation practices enable us to overcome mental and emotional stress. Through these practices we begin to see the habits of mind clearly and thereby cultivate a more positive and nurturing quality of life.  


Nicci offers classes as well as individualised protocols designed specificially to support clients with the conditions they are presenting with. For example, her gentle yoga sequences for migraine sufferers release musculoskeletal tension across the cranium, neck and shoulders, while different meditations have been designed for clients to use as they feel a migraine coming on or during a migraine to reduce their severity. 


Nicci collaborates with retreat leaders and other practitioners to offer workshops and retreats. During 2023 she is collaborating to run 3 tennis yoga retreats with in Turkey, a safari-yoga retreat in Kenya with and a meditation and yoga retreat with Please click on the links for more details. 

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